Coated electrodes for manual welding

AMA 1075A

  • E 1100 AWS/ASME SFA–5.3 :
  • EL–Al 99.5 DIN 1732 :
  • 3.0259 No. of Material :
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Electrode with special covering for the welding of aluminum silicon alloys and for joining dissimilar aluminum alloys. The electrode should be held perpendicularly to the work-piece and a short arc length maintained.
Plates thicker than 10 mm and larger work-pieces require preheating in the range of 150°C to 250°C. Since slag residues arc corrosive, that must be completely removed from the welded bead. Electrode serves well as consumable in oxyacetylene welding. The covering being hygroscopic, the electrode must be stored in an absolutely dry location, or redried if required.

Weld metal analysis in % (typical values):

Min 99.5Max 0.5

Mechanical Properties of all-weld metal:

(single values are typical values)

Tensile Strength
( N/mm )
Yield Strength 0.2%
( N/mm )
Welding Parameters
Diameter (mm)Length (mm)Amperage (A)
2.530060– 90
3.2535080– 110
4350110– 150


Commercially pure aluminum e.g. Al 99.5 to Al 99, DIN 1721 Aluminum alloys, such as AL 99.9 Mg
0.5 AlRMg 0.5, AlRMg 0.5, DIN 1725.


2 hours at 110°C to 120°C
